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 Manners Mastery: Programs For Children & Teens To Build Social Skills.

Etiquette Evolution: A Program For Growing Minds. 
  Age: 8 to 11  

Mother and baby relaxing in a stylish in

Offering our children a foundation in etiquette will help them engage confidently with their peers and interact respectfully with adults. This, in turn, will develop their poise and focus on approaching new experiences.


Course includes:


-Introduction to fine manners and comportment.


-Building confidence and making a positive lasting impression.


-Positive body language and eye contact.


-Greeting and introduction. 


-Social media Etiquette.


-Dining etiquette and table manners. 


  -How to be the perfect guest during a sleepover.


Duration: 10 hours spread over 10 weeks, all from the comfort of your home.


  • One-On-One: 3400 AED per child

    • Nannies are welcome to attend the course at no additional charge.

Having Manners Is The New Cool Program.
       Age 12-17

Portrait of a group of beautiful young f

Let us assist you in providing your teen with the guidance skills he or she needs to handle any situation with composure and confidence and be equipped for success. Etiquette encourages responsibility, punctuality, and the right attitude to influence others to leave a lasting impression.




Course includes:

-Introduction to fine manners and comportment.




-Making a positive lasting impression.


-Positive body language and attitude.


-Greeting with respect.


-Making and maintaining good relationships 


-Social Media Etiquette

Phone & Devices when, where, how, and why.



-Dining etiquette and table manners. 



Duration: 12 hours spread over 12 weeks, all conducted via Zoom.


  • Group Class: 999 AED

  • One-On-One: 3200 AED


Modern etiquette Consultancy direct contact.



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