We have been living in a world where we have been consuming thoughtlessly. We never stopped to think about the consequences of our actions for the environment and each other. We are now seeing the results of our actions, and we are shocked.
We cannot go back to our old ways of consuming and being, but we can change. First, we need to come together as human beings and look at ourselves as a race that needs to thrive on this planet that is our home. We need to look at every action we take, every bite we eat, and how it affects the environment and other living creatures. Only then will we be able to reach a mindful living where we respect all living creatures and yet thrive as a race.
Mindfulness involves living in the present moment with intuition and compassion. It is about openness, being aware of what is happening inside and outside ourselves. You can apply this to our relationships with other humans, creatures, and environments. The way we relate to things affects our survival.
To live mindfully, we need to respect others and be aware of our footprint in the world. In addition, we must learn how to live sustainably while not harming ourselves or the environment around us. Are you mindful of your impact on others and the planet?