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What is the secret of kind people?

Samira Hammadi

I often think about what the word kindness means, what does it take to be kind?

I frequently hear that being kind is being a people pleaser, or worse, kind people only want to show the world that they are better people.

Frankly, I do not have a precise answer, and it doesn't really matter how the world sees kind people because kind people are doing their best to brighten their days and the days of others.

Kind people wake up daily and make a choice to be thoughtful in this somehow harsh world; they choose to make a difference instead of judging others.

Kind people choose to help a stranger they never met because they genuinely believe it is the right thing to do.

Kind people stand for others because they believe in humanity.

Kind people are kind to all kinds because they know that it is the only way to change this world into a better place.

Therefore, I invite you today to celebrate these brave souls. May we learn from kind people compassion and selfless acts of kindness.

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