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Teenagers Program.

Samira Hammadi

As a parent, you want your teen to be equipped with the tools and confidence to handle any situation with poise and grace. That's why we are excited to offer a program that will provide your teen with the guidance and etiquette skills they need to succeed in any setting.

Our course is designed to help your teen build their self-esteem and confidence and make a positive lasting impression on those around them. We cover important topics such as fine manners and comportment, positive body language and attitude, and the importance of greeting others with respect. We also teach skills for making and maintaining good relationships.

In addition to these crucial skills, we also cover phone and social media etiquette, helping your teen to understand when and where it is appropriate to use them and how to use them responsibly. We also delve into the finer points of dining etiquette and table manners, ensuring that your teen is prepared to make a great impression at any social gathering.

With our program, you can give your teen the guidance and skills they need to succeed in any situation. Enroll them today and watch them thrive!

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