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Raising Polite Children: Three Ways to Teach Your Kids Good Manners.

Samira Hammadi

As parents, it is important to teach our children proper etiquette and manners. These skills will help them easily navigate social situations and set them up for success in all areas of life. Here are three tips to help teach your children etiquette:

  1. Lead by example: Children learn by watching their parents. If you want your child to have good manners, you need to model them yourself. For example, say "please" and "thank you," hold doors open, and use proper table manners. When you show your child what good etiquette looks like, they are more likely to follow suit.

  2. Practice, practice, practice: Learning good etiquette takes time and practice. Make it a habit to reinforce good manners every day. Practice saying "excuse me" when interrupting someone, teach your child to wait their turn to speak, and show them how to introduce themselves to others appropriately. Reinforce these skills regularly until they become habits.

  3. Praise good behavior: When your child displays good manners, praise them. Positive reinforcement is a powerful tool for encouraging good behavior. When you notice your child using proper etiquette, tell them how proud you are of them and how much you appreciate their efforts.

Remember, teaching your children good manners and etiquette is an ongoing process. By leading by example, practicing regularly, and praising good behavior, you can help your child develop the skills they need to succeed in all areas of life.



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