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Networking Etiquette

Samira Hammadi

One of the most important skills to succeed in business today is the ability to network effectively. "Networking" is the process of building relationships with others, both in-person and online, who can help you achieve your goals.

Although networking can seem intimidating, it's essential to succeed in the business world. The more relationships you build and the stronger those relationships become, the more doors open for you.

But building relationships takes more than making contact with other people. Networking etiquette can help you strike the right balance between business and networking, keeping everyone at ease and helping you build a strong network of contacts. Here are few points to remember when going to a networking event.

-Know your worth.

You might feel that you will ask people for a service, but you need to reframe that a little. What you are doing is offering these people the chance to hire a quality candidate – you!

-First impressions matter.

Your appearance and handshake will set the tone for your entire interaction. Dress for networking as you would for an interview.

The perfect handshake is given palm to palm, with a firm but not tight grip, and includes two shakes – any more can seem aggressive. Also, don’t touch the other person's arm or shoulders, as those are dominant gestures that may not be well received. Instead, make eye contact during the handshake, and smile!

-Be respectful of others.

While you may be at networking even with a purpose, it’s important to remember that others do, too. So try and keep your interactions to a respectful minimum.

-Business cards.

Business cards are still one of the most effective ways of advertising your services. Of course, you make the first impression with your conversation, but your card should echo that and encourage the person to get in touch if they want to follow up.

-Follow up.

If you speak to someone, send them a quick email the next day to thank them for their time.

-Be positive.

Networking does not come easy to many of us, but it isn’t as difficult as you think. So, a little confidence with a can-do attitude and get out there and meet people!

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