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Meet the feminine side of you.

Samira Hammadi

The feminine side is the side of you that is soft, gentle, ethereal, and dreamy. The feminine side is the part of you that understands how to be present at the moment, listen with your whole body, let go of expectations, and be a little more.

On the feminine side, we find our intuition: those gut feelings about what is suitable for us. It is where we get flashes of inspiration and creativity—those moments when everything seems to fall into place perfectly.

And at times, it can be hard to experience our feminine side because letting go and allowing ourselves to flow with the energy of life can feel like we are giving up control.

While in reality, once we fully embrace our feminine side, we become more in tune with our intuition, more elegant with our actions, and more aware of what comes out of our mouths and, more importantly, what and who we entrain in our lives. It is a magical upgrade!

We invite you to join our twelve-week program, where you will be trained in graceful, elegant, and confident ways of living while being in harmony with your femininity.

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