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Few Etiquette Guidelines To Parents To Follow.

Samira Hammadi

1. Please make sure your child always says "please" and "thank you."

It is a common courtesy expected from everyone.

2. Please pick up after your children at restaurants.

It is courteous to clean after your children at a restaurant or a food court and not depend on the overloaded staff. consider leaving a considerate tip if they have to work harder to prepare your table for the next guests.

3. Take your child outside when he/she begins crying in a restaurant or theater.

This way they will not disturb other diners or viewers.

4. Remember to check in when your child is at a friend’s home.

It is always thoughtful to send a quick text to make sure everything is going OK.

5. RSVP to birthday party invitations.

The hosts need to know how many people are coming so they can finalize the details.

6. Do not send additional siblings to a birthday party if only one of your children was invited.

Making the host accommodate another child they hadn't planned on is simply not fair.

7. Please, please do not ask if you can bring your children when an invitation says “adults only.”

It puts the host in a guilty spot where they have to either tell you "no" or agree to let children attend a party they have already made clear they want to be adults only.

8. If your child breaks something, replace it.

People will often say, "Don't worry about it," but that doesn't change the fact your child damaged something of theirs.

9. If your child moves stuff around at a store, please put it back.

The Sale person must have spend hours trying to make the store presentable and appealing to potential customers. Let's not ruin the effort.

10. Keep your children at home if they are a bit sick.

It will not be very fair to the other children in the playground or school as they might become contaminated as well.

11. Model the behavior you want to see in your child.

Be a polite, courteous person when you are with your children, and they will likely grow up to act the same way.

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