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Equality for all.

Samira Hammadi

When we speak about feminism, we think of women throughout history who did not have a chance to get an education, vote, own property, and have a say in their own lives. Yes, thanks to a few exceptional women who refused to live that way, who fought and inspired others to follow. As we celebrate this month of March and how far we have come. Let us not forget how far we still have to go to reach equality.

When we ask for equality, we do not speak about physical equality; we talk about cerebral one. In this day and age, women are standing up for themselves and want to be treated equally. Therefore, it is time for us to stop thinking of women as less capable of doing specific jobs or being too weak to be part of the workforce. On the contrary, women have proven how strong leaders, solutions-oriented, and go-getters they are throughout times and times.

In women’s history month, we celebrate the history of strong women and enlighten our little girls with stories of those who came before us to inspire them to reach for greatness. Without history, there is no future. The past is our foundation; it gives us the power to build something new and unique.

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