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Samira Hammadi

"He who sows courtesy reaps friendship, and he who plants kindness gathers love" - Basil. Courtesy is a form of civility. It means paying attention to the needs and desires of others, especially strangers or those with whom we are not intimate. Good manners are essential to good relationships, but proper courtesy involves even more. Courtesy is a powerful way to build relationships because it treats everyone with caring and respect. Treating others as truly special helps us feel good about ourselves and builds trust in ourselves and others. In addition, it's easier to ask someone for help or assistance when they have already demonstrated their willingness to go out of their way on our behalf. Courtesy is a win-win situation. In addition to building relationships, it strengthens our self-image as decent human beings who can put others' needs ahead of our own immediate wants and desires. We feel good about ourselves when we treat people well; when others treat us well, we feel cared for and appreciated. As the quote says, kindness is an essential part of courtesy. We can't be courteous without being kind. Being kind means wishing the best for others, helping them when possible, being concerned about their feelings, and being willing to forgive them when needed.

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