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Samira Hammadi


If we want people to accept us as we are, we should accord them the same courtesy. Tolerance means you won't ignore me when I'm different but will listen to me when I speak. Being tolerant is not something that happens to you once in a while; it's an everyday choice. If we want people to accept us as we are, we should accord them the same courtesy. Holding up half the sky means recognizing that other people have strengths and weaknesses just like we do, that they have needs and desires just like we do, and that those needs and desires may sometimes be different from ours. It means seeing others not as threats or obstacles to our dreams but as individuals with dreams of their own."

It is impossible to feel good about ourselves if we do not feel good about others. The idea that we can love ourselves and others but hate certain characteristics or others is ludicrous. The feeling of self-love and self-acceptance is contingent upon our willingness to love other people unconditionally. Without this, we cannot be happy with who we are and what we have done with our lives. Loving ourselves unconditionally means that we accept all the things about ourselves that make us human; our flaws and mistakes and our strengths and accomplishments. If we want people to accept us as we are, we should accord the same courtesy to them. Acceptance should be unconditional irrespective of gender, age, race, or nationality.

We should encourage the development of their strengths and offer support through their struggles. This does not mean ignoring problems in their lives or sweeping challenging situations under the rug. Instead, it means being there for them when they need us and embracing them despite their shortcomings. This is how we show others how much we love them by encouraging them to grow past their problems and become better versions of themselves.

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